By Hadassah Agbaps - May 03, 2020

Hi people, what's been on?

 Sooooooooo......with the right handling and care of our natural hair, we shouldn't really have the drama of excessive breakage, shedding, dandruff and whatever other problems associated with hair....abi???!!

However, due to changes in weather, water hardness, products and generally because our systems enjoy surprising us once in a while.....ish happens!

This post is an answer to the question of

What treatments can I use for what natural hair problems?

What can I do if my hair feels dry no matter how consistent I am with moisturising? 

What do I do if I experience unnecessary shedding and breakage despite my healthy diet and care I take during detangling and styling?

Well, it's useful to have one or two treatments to sort of reset our hair to default setting.

Here are some suggested natural hair troubleshooting links.

1. Shedding and breakage.

- Before you think your hair has a problem with breakage and shedding, here is why seeing short hair doesn't always mean breakage and here's the reason why shedding is normal

- If your hair is longer and you are trying to reduce breakage and retain length, you can join me in my Indian oiling treatment ( you can also use palm kernel oil) and
  my henna treatment once every 1-2 months

- For uncontrolled shedding, if you finger detangle exclusively, you might be shedding because of the reason I observed here. To control excess shedding, you can try the moringa tea and ginger root rinse

2. Scalp issues

- If you are battling with dandruff and itchy scalp, here's the what , why and how to stop it

3. Detangling issues

- Wrong detangling methods can lead to unnecessary pain and breakage. To make things easier, try to prevent tangles from happening in the first place and maybe try switching over to fingerdetangling. Here's how to fingerdetangle right.

4. Moisturising issues

- Don't think your current moisturiser is doing its work, here's how to make your own. A crucial step in keeping your hair moisturised is sealing. Here's what sealing is and how to seal effectively. You can try the LOC step which is explained in more details in this post

- Still having moisturising issues, it will be good add moisturising deep conditioning treatments into your washday as often as you can and follow up with daily moisturising.
Useful deep conditioning treatments include:
I've also used some deep conditioners that worked for me. Recommendations include
You can also do the green house treatment midweek to prevent loss of moisture.

Please let me know if you have any more concerns that hasn't been dealt with and if you have any tips and tricks, please to feel free to share.

Till I spill again,
Hadassah A.

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  1. Hey Hadassah. I love this series you have started, its helping me out so much. I am still transitioning, but since 90% of my hair is natural, I consider myself natural. Thanks nce again, and keep going with the series

  2. Very educative, I'm glued to your blog #coversface, that's a good thing right?


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